Take this site for example!

This portfolio site is entirely made by me! I didn't use any pre-made or online templating, this site was hand coded, using part BootStrap and some CSS of my own design. I'm also using PHP to template my headers and footers for more compact code. But all of this is built and managed to me!

Fictitious Product Site:

This project was a multi-page, microsite for my Interface Design Using CSS class. The goal of this assignment was to build a small site to advertise and sell any product of our choice, real or fake. We were instructed not to use any frameworks, so that means this site is all me! Although very tedious to build entirely by hand, I now understand what has to go on under the hood of those frameworks, and I'm super proud of what I was able to achieve. We also had to make our sites adaptive to all viewports so this site works on mobile, medium, and large screens. This site is still live and you can find it here: https://thediasdigital.github.io/CSS/css-final/

Income and Expense Tracker:

This project was a finances tracking web app made for my ASP.NET class! The goal of this semester-long project was to understand MVC architecture, and utilize the .NET core framework to build out unique web apps. We used the Microsoft authentication packages for handling user signins, along with third-party auth through Google or GitHub. A user could then log their jobs, shifts, income, and expenses to a database utilizing the CRUD operations. I built out some small index pages using a charts js library, and a calendar js library to give a more visually appealing way for the user to view their information. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to maintain hosting for a class project so this site is no longer live.

Candy Site:

This small webpage was also made for my Interface Design using CSS class. For this project we were instructed to make a single-page site to display products and information about our favourite candy. We had to create an interactive page that embraced the energy/feel of that brand. Once again this was purely hand-crafted CSS, however, I did use JQuery for some of the interactivity so that images moved as they appeared on screen. The assignment didn't call for viewport adaptability so it is best viewed on medium viewports. This site is also still live and can be found here: https://thediasdigital.github.io/CSS/assignment-3/