Magic: The Gathering Card Search:

This project was made for an assignment in my Advanced Java class. The goal was to create a GUI for an API of our choosing. As a big fan of MTG I wanted to use the openly available MTG API to create a card search engine. You can search by several metrics including card name, type, rules text, and color(s). When a user performs a search my program makes an HTTP call to the Magic API using the search parameters, and shows the user a list of cards matching the search parameters. The response is then deserialized from JSON to a Java object using the GSON library, and that object's details are displayed to the user! If you'd like to view the code my GitHub library for this project can be found here:

Spotify Stream Data:

This project was also made for an assignment in my Advanced Java class. Instead of APIs we used datasets of our choice and stored in MySQL databases. Querying the database in the program, with some kind of condition from the user. For example, in my program you can sort the top 10 list of songs by the decade. This changes the chart displayed as well as text on screen to represent the decade in question. Unfortunately I had to hard-code in the database credentials for my teacher to be able to mark the project so I can't share the repo publicly, however, it is very similar to the previous project if not a lot simpler.